Housekeeping and Inspector Training | Outer Banks Info | Carolina Designs

Digital Orientation
Training for Housekeepers and Inspectors

Welcome to our digital housekeeping and inspectors training! We are looking forward to welcoming you to the Carolina Designs Team. Depending on which position you have been hired for, please click on either “Housekeeping” or “Inspectors” below and follow the directions. These are best viewed on a desktop computer if possible.

Your safety is our #1 priority. In each section, you will find our updated procedures related to Covid-19.

After the orientation there is a short quiz, which lets us know that you have completed the training. We will be in touch with you individually to discuss your schedule after you have completed the orientation.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Casey Kellum, Housekeeping Manager –
Dawn Tillett, Head of Inspections –

Thank you!


Instructions for Housekeeping Orientation:

1. Watch the two housekeeping videos below. A copy of the slideshow is available upon request.

2. Review the documents “Important Video Updates for 2021,” “All Staff Safety Protocol During Covid-19” and “Housekeeping Guidelines during Covid-19.”

3. A contactless system has been put in place for picking up supplies at our Harbinger office. Familiarize yourself with the document “Housekeeping Drive Through Guidelines.”

4. Final step: take the very short quiz at the bottom of this page! Once you finish the quiz, we know you’ve completed the training and will be in touch about your schedule. A $10 Walmart gift card will be waiting for you when you come to our office.

Questions? We’re here to help! Contact our Housekeeping Manager Casey at


Important Video Updates for 2021

Housekeeping Drive Though Guidelines

Housekeeping Guidelines During Covid-19

All Staff Safety Protocol During Covid-19


Carolina Designs Housekeeping Training Part 1

Carolina Designs Housekeeping Training Part 2


Take Housekeeping Quiz


Instructions for Inspectors Orientation:

1. Review the slideshow below

2. Review the documents “All Staff Safety Protocol During Covid-19” and “Housekeeping Guidelines during Covid-19” so you are aware of our updated protocols

3. Final step: take the very short quiz at the bottom of this page! Once you finish the quiz, we know you’ve completed the training and will be in touch about your schedule. A $10 Walmart gift card will be waiting for you when you come to our office.

Questions? We’re here to help! Contact Dawn, our Head of Inspections, at


All Staff Safety Protocol During Covid-19

Housekeeping Guideline During Covid-19

Google Slides Presentation


Take Inspector Quiz